pull in

pull inpull in1.(火车)进站; (船)靠岸The train pulled in exactly on time.列车准时进站。The ship pulled in to the shore at midnight.那船半夜时靠岸。2.赚钱He's pulling in quite a bit in his new job.他在新工作中赚了不少钱。He pulls in quite a lot as a milkman.他卖牛奶赚了相当多的钱。He pulls in a lot of overtime pay each month.他每月挣得不少加班费。3.吸引; 招引The Beatles always pulled in enormous crowds.披头士乐队总能吸引大批的人群。The film pulled in large audience when it was shown in the city.那部影片在该市上映期间, 吸引了大批观众。4.拘留, 逮捕(嫌疑犯)The police have pulled in a half dozen people who they suspect.警方已逮捕六个他们怀疑的人。The men were pulled in on suspicion of having committed a burglary.这些人因涉嫌犯有夜盗罪而被拘留。5.节省, 节省开支You will have to pull in if you want to escape bankruptcy.如果你想避免破产, 就必须节省开支。If food is scarce it's no use complaining; we shall just have to pull in our belts.如果食物短缺, 抱怨也没有用, 我们只能勒紧裤腰带。

pull in1.(船)靠岸;靠码头;(火车)进站,到站;(列车)到达;(机动车或司机)停住;(汽车)停靠路边:He pulled in for gas.他把车开进加油站加油。The lorry driver pulled in to the side of the road.卡车司机把车驶向路边。2.停止,止住;束紧;限制;节约;紧缩或减少(开支):I must pull in, or my letter will never end.我必须限制住,要不我这封信就会写个没完没了。We'd better pull in before the money's all gone.我们最好现在就节省开支,免得把钱都花光了。3.拉进;向里拉;勒紧:The Bank of England has had to pull in more gold.英格兰银行已不得不收进更多的黄金。4.吸引(观众);诱使(投资):They need to have a high rate of interest in order to pull in money from investors.要吸引投资者进行投资,他们需要有高利率。5.[俚语]带往警察局审问;拘留(嫌疑犯);拘捕;抓;逮捕:The police pulled him in for questioning.警察把他拘留起来进行审问。6.勒住马:Your horse is trying to go too fast,so you must pull him in.你的马跑得太快,你必须勒住马的缰绳。7.[美国口语]赚(钱):He's pulling in quite a bit in his new job.他干的这个新工作赚了大量的钱。

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